Glow - Your Hormone Friendly Tropical Smoothie
Updated: Jun 2, 2021

What makes this smoothie so special?
Well, there are multiple foods found in this smoothie that assist girls and women with digestion (the root cause of many chronic illnesses). Gut health plays a role in brain health and immune health, as well as hormone health. Did you know that one of the main "supervisors" of circulating estrogen in the body is the gut microbiome?
Without proper digestion your body cannot rid many of the toxins that build up over time. When you are not having regular bowel movements (several times per day) estrogen builds up in the system along with other toxins. Why does this matter? Estrogen dominace is a real thing, which causes concerning discomfort and health problems that range from minor breast tenderness and irregular periods to major issues like infertility, thyroid dysfunction and increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer.
Many people say that our liver and kidneys do a great job detoxing our system. While this is scientifcially true, evidence-based research shows us that the body will be at risk for inflammation without adequate antioxidants and with a diet high in added/processed sugars, meats, fried foods, etc.
The thing is, chronic (ongoing) inflammation is how many disease processes start.
Inflammation produces reactions that cause abdnormal cell growth and cell death. Did you know cancer is the #2 killer in the United States? My question to you is, if your kidney and liver were doing such a great job, why is there so much cancer and other chronic illnesses like - PCOS, Fibroids, Breast Cancer, Endometriosis, Irregular periods, diabetes, heart disease, etc ? My answer to you is, our body needs help. Our bodies need antioxidants (along with other healhty lifestyle changes) - found plentifully in plant foods. On a daily basis, we are bombarded by harmful enviromental toxins in addition to lifestyle behavoirs that put us at risk.
Thankfully though there are natural ways to manage and reduce the risk of disease.
Antioxidants kill free radicals that cause cell death. Without the help of these guys our systems/organs (Kidneys, Liver, lymphatic system, Immune system, Reproductive system, etc) will not work efficiently. Load up on them daily, in the right portions for you!
Watch the video (1min:18 sec) for a closer look!
1.5 cups unsweetened organic soymilk
1/2 cup chopped raw carrots
1 cup mango (frozen cubes)
1/2 cup sliced fresh pineapples
1/8 cup ground flaxseed with lignans (I used this brand)
1/4 cup crushed walnuts for garnishing
3 slices pineapple for garnishing
Combine all items in the blender and mix until smooth.
Serve in your favorite glass, garnish with the walnuts and pinepple and enjoy!
Makes 3 servings.
Glow: Hormone Friendly Tropical Smoothie, Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved, detailed nutrition infomation on this recipe is found in our ebook/cookbook for those enrolled in our program/packages:
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Role of antioxidants in health maintenance.
The pathophysiology of chronic constipation
Estrogen-gut microbiome axis: Physiological and clinical implications