Mental Clarity
Mental Clarity
Nutrition is the Foundation
"Many elements impact mental clarity, such as quality and quantity of sleep, meaningful time awake, rest and relaxation, social interactions, outdoor time, spiritual connections, amount and type of stress, diet and more. Research demonstrates that your nutrition choices can positively or negatively impact your emotions/brain power and your ability to make decisions. These factors influence mental capacity, physical health, and life outlook." -Sue-Ellen
Adolescence is an opportune time to build healthy habits, including mental wellness. Self-esteem, perspective, prioritization, time management, and rest all contribute to strong mental clarity. Some common issues that girls go through during this stage that impact mental clarity are:
Difficulty managing time
Inadequate outdoor time
Memory or concentration problems
Inadequate sleep/Difficulty sleeping
Poor nutrition
Inadequate physical activity/Weight gain
Inadequate spiritual life/devotional time
Consult us for a personalized plan to find better rest, relaxation, sharper memory, increased productivity, more free time, better spiritual well-being and more - THINK LIKE A BOSS Nutrition & Mental Clarity (E.A.T B.etter series)™ Package. If there is a need beyond our expertise we have relationships with providers who can help you along your journey. You can also book a discovery call or explore all the packages we offer.
Young Women
Burnout is a common theme for many young women, and can happen even when engaging in enjoyable activities. Pressing the pause and recharge button is something that should be done on a regular basis. It will help you become more focused, composed, and creative. Some of the issues that can arise from a lack of guidance are:
Poor prioritization skills/Poor productivity
Overzealous planned day/ Burn out
Inadequate sleep
Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
Inadequate outdoor time
Insufficient devotional time
Poor nutrition
Physical inactivity/Weight gain
Consult us for a personalized plan to find better rest, relaxation, sharper memory, increased productivity, more free time, better spiritual well-being and more - THINK LIKE A BOSS Nutrition & Mental Clarity (E.A.T B.etter series)™ Package. If there is a need beyond our expertise we have relationships with providers who can help you along your journey. You can also book a discovery call or explore all the packages we offer.
Older Women
Long-term exposure to poorly managed stress can cause sobering physical, mental, and spiritual consequences. Something as simple as a positive outlook may not only change your perspective on a situation but may also alter the direction of your immune system response. We provide techniques to improve mental clarity and address common issues including:
Difficulty falling asleep
Exclusive indoor living
Stressful environment
Forgetfulness/Poor concentration
Inadequate socialization
Insufficient physical activity
Consult us for a personalized plan to find better rest, relaxation, sharper memory, increased productivity, more free time, better spiritual well-being and more - THINK LIKE A BOSS Nutrition & Mental Clarity (E.A.T B.etter series)™ Package. If there is a need beyond our expertise we have relationships with providers who can help you along your journey. You can also book a discovery call or explore all the packages we offer.
When planning, becoming, or being a mother, many seek the healthiest foods and best ways to stay fit. But often mental wellbeing is left by the wayside. Being equipped with tools to prevent and manage stress is equally necessary to get you through this anxious, yet exciting time. We address many issues, including:
Inadequate post-partum support
Inadequate breast-feeding support
Difficulty coming up with healthy quick & tasty family meals
Slow weight loss/Weight gain
Hormonal imbalances
Lack of contingency plans
Insufficient self-care routines
Saying “no”/Saying “yes”
Consult us for a personalized plan to find better rest, relaxation, sharper memory, increased productivity, more free time, better spiritual well-being and more - THINK LIKE A BOSS Nutrition & Mental Clarity (E.A.T B.etter series)™ Package. If there is a need beyond our expertise we have relationships with providers who can help you along your journey.You can also book a discovery call or explore all the packages we offer.